Alpha 8 - Katana, Deflect, Blast Collision, aesthetic changes

This one took a while, sorry, and the next one probably won't come soon as well. With that out of the way, here's some good news: we have a laser sword now!

Main changes:
-The Katana - a new weapon for the Ninja. This green laser sword emits energy waves that slice through enemies and has a cool new secondary ability...
-Deflect! Deflect redirects incoming projectiles towards your crosshair, but requires a certain amount of precision to pull off. If performed correctly, its cooldown resets.
-The Blast Collision passive - a new passive for the Vanguard that generates explosions every time the player collides with something at high speeds.
-Aand some aesthetic changes to increase bloom and stuff

Full changelog:

feat(ninja): new weapon - katana, a projectile weapon that goes through multiple enemies 
feat(level): the core entrance
feat(ninja): deflect ability - the katana's secondary ability, redirects projectiles and resets upon a successful hit
feat(level): some more work on the core corridor to engineering
feat(vanguard): blast collision - when colliding with another object, creates an explosion with damage, radius and size proportional to the collision speed
change(vanguard): the vanguard may now receive extra jump
change(ninja): walljump now goes further and faster than before, the player may also control the direction of movement
change(player): charge, dash and grappling hook now reset the extra jump
change(player): the style meter now decreases faster, but the penalty for taking damage is now lower
change(general): the shield laser material was renamed to moving glow and now works a bit better
change(ninja): the grappling hook is now cancelled when changing loadouts
change(ninja): the grappling hook now works on the ground
change(ninja): the grappling hook now emits a sound effect when getting released
change(ninja): the deflect now emits a sound effect and slows time for a split second when succesfully parrying a hit
change(player): the red tint effect when taking damage is now more noticeable
change(vanguard): detonate now increases the explosion radius
change(vanguard): graviton now works more consistently and paralyzes enemies for a while
change(vanguard): the charge ability, when colliding with an enemy, causes a timestop effect to occur for game feel purposes
fix(enemy): enemies now fly through the wall less frequently
fix(level): the suspended crate now moves entities correctly again
fix(enemy): projectile attacks may now be set up so that they ignore a certain layer for a while (useful to prevent autohits from enemies)
fix(player): the mouse sensibility doesn't go to 0 at its lowest level anymore
fix(ui): big loadout option's background appearing weird after leveling up
asset(ninja): katana animations for both the katana and the deflect
asset(ninja): changed the katana's blade color
asset(general): new volume profile assets for different areas
asset(level): bright orange material


Kinetic Alpha 8 52 MB
Mar 06, 2022
Kinetic Alpha 8 67 MB
Mar 06, 2022

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Deleted 2 years ago

I'll look into it!


Just pushed a mini-update with resolution options. I must warn though, the lower resolutions look really weird.

Deleted 2 years ago

You mean the wall jump?

Deleted 2 years ago

Yeah, that was semi-intentional. I didn't want to limit the amount of wall jumps the player had, so I let that stay. 

What I might do is slightly reduce the time window you have to press space whenever you hit the wall on consecutive jumps, so it becomes harder (but not impossible) to achieve this, but we'll see. What do you think of this idea?