
WARNING: This game may induce seizures.

 We highly recommend the downloadable version over the browser version.

We also highly recommend writing down as much information as you can - names, passwords, emails, hierarchies, etc.

October 30th, 1997. As the brand new intern at a shady company, you receive a computer at your door for you to work in. Its boot-up screen reads: "ThaumOS".

ThaumOS is an investigative point-and-click game set in a Windows 95-esque Operating System. Invade your coworkers' emails, find clues about the conspiracy behind the company and pretend to work while doing it.

André Bariani (AndreBariani): Programming, Sound Design
Dan Isamu (MisterProject): Programming, Narrative
Fernando Abromovick (kyleflick124): Art
Giovanni Rossi (gi0vanini): Art, Narrative
Liz Bertoni: Art
Team - Maritacas Gamedev

Ágata Rangel Drigo: "You've got mail" sound effect, Beta Testing
arlez80: Glitch effect (

Ludum Dare link:


Download 18 MB
Download 18 MB
walkthrough.txt 3.5 kB


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there are any gameplays of this?


Neat worldbuilding and interactivity. Still sad that I couldn't summon Clover.


Ohh, that was indeed a missed opportunity! Thanks for the comment.


I love how interactive it is. I also like how the computer was actually synced up with real-time. I also like the way you get to start as a new person after you lose. I see a lot of potential in this game.


Its a amazing game! Congrats! I hope see more like this in future or updates!!