
WARNING: This game may induce seizures.

 We highly recommend the downloadable version over the browser version.

We also highly recommend writing down as much information as you can - names, passwords, emails, hierarchies, etc.

October 30th, 1997. As the brand new intern at a shady company, you receive a computer at your door for you to work in. Its boot-up screen reads: "ThaumOS".

ThaumOS is an investigative point-and-click game set in a Windows 95-esque Operating System. Invade your coworkers' emails, find clues about the conspiracy behind the company and pretend to work while doing it.

André Bariani (AndreBariani): Programming, Sound Design
Dan Isamu (MisterProject): Programming, Narrative
Fernando Abromovick (kyleflick124): Art
Giovanni Rossi (gi0vanini): Art, Narrative
Liz Bertoni: Art
Team - Maritacas Gamedev

Ágata Rangel Drigo: "You've got mail" sound effect, Beta Testing
arlez80: Glitch effect (

Ludum Dare link:


Download 18 MB
Download 18 MB
walkthrough.txt 3.5 kB


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no matter how I tried to type those ice cream flavours in, it always said incorrect password T-T

Hey! If you're having difficulties, I suggest looking at our walkthough! It's available under Download.

Oh, don't worry, I did. But it wasn't working. I tried capitalising, lower case, spaces.... none of it worked! 

btw thanks for replying on a game you released 4 years ago xd

Aw, bummer. Something I'll mention is that at least one of the coworkers changed their password, and that password is mentioned in the cat's owner inbox. Maybe you were trying to use their old password?

Nope. It was always the changed password I put in, with the email of the sender, but it didn’t work. Ended up dying and trying again, new name for the flavour, but nope. Is it supposed to have spaces? Or lowercase? Or capitals? Tbh tho this was the Browser-based game though. So maybe that’s the problem. Yeah, anyway I kept getting stuck after logging into cat girl’s emails 


there are any gameplays of this?


Neat worldbuilding and interactivity. Still sad that I couldn't summon Clover.


Ohh, that was indeed a missed opportunity! Thanks for the comment.


I love how interactive it is. I also like how the computer was actually synced up with real-time. I also like the way you get to start as a new person after you lose. I see a lot of potential in this game.


Its a amazing game! Congrats! I hope see more like this in future or updates!!